Ashley Boyd

  1. Associate Professor
LocationAvery 363


Ashley Boyd CV 


Ashley S. Boyd is an associate professor of English/English Education at Washington State University where she teaches graduate courses on critical and cultural theory and undergraduate courses on English Methods and Young Adult Literature.  A former secondary English language arts teacher, Ashley’s current scholarship examines practicing teachers’ social justice pedagogies and their critical content knowledge and explores how young adult literature is an avenue for cultivating students’ critical literacies.  Drawing on frameworks from cultural studies, critical theory, and social justice education, Dr. Boyd addresses educational inequities and opportunities for social action through qualitative research and analysis.  She is experienced in studies in secondary schools with students and practicing teachers and in data collection involving semi-structured interviews, ethnographic observations, surveys, and focus groups/discourse communities.  Her methodologies span case study development, thematic coding, document and artifact analysis, and critical discourse analysis.  Crucial to her work are collaborative endeavors in research and publication that include undergraduate and graduate students, community stakeholders, and practitioners.  Her book with Teachers College Press, Social Justice Literacies in the English Classroom:  Teaching Practice in Action, analyzes case studies of practicing English teachers to identify specific pedagogic approaches for advancing equity both inside and outside of the classroom.  She has published in the Journal of Teacher Education; English Education; Teacher Education Quarterly; Educational Studies;  the International Journal of Critical Pedagogy; and the ALAN Review. 

Selected Publications

  • Boyd, A.  & Darragh, J.  (2022). Reading The Serpent King to connect to students’ lives and experiences in rural contexts.  English Education, 54(3) 219-235.
  • Beach, R., Boyd, A., Webb, A., & Thein, A. (2022).  Teaching to exceed English language arts standards: A critical inquiry approach for 6- 12 classroom(3rd).  Routledge.
  • Boyd, A., Dyches, J, Bonilla, A*. (2022). The foundations of critical teaching. Teacher Education Quarterly, 49(1), 7-28.   
  • Boyd, A., Rose, S. & Darragh, J.  (2021).  Shifting the conversation around teaching sensitive topics:  Critical colleagueship in a teacher discourse community.  Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.  
  • Boyd, A. & Miller, J.  (2020).  Let’s give them something to talk (and act!) about: Privilege, racism, and oppression in the middle school classroom.  Voices from the Middle, 27(3), 15-19.
  • Boyd, A. & Darragh, J.  (2019).  Reading for action:  Engaging youth in social justice through Young Adult Literature.  Lanham, MD:  Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Boyd, A. & Darragh, J.  (2019).  Complicating censorship:  Reading All American Boys with parents of young adults.  English Education 51(3), 229-260.
  • Walter, B.** & Boyd, A.   (2018). A ‘threat’—or ‘just a book’?  Analyzing Responses to 13 Reasons Why in a discourse community.  Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. doi: 10.1002/jaal.939
  • Boyd, A.  (2017).  Social justice literacies in the English classroom:  Teaching practice In action.  New York, NY:  Teachers College Press.
  • Dyches, J. & Boyd, A.  (2017).  Foregrounding equity in teacher education: Toward a model of social justice pedagogical and content knowledge (SJPACK).  Journal of Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1177/0022487117705097.