
Certifying in the English Major

Certification is an administrative process that officially designates your chosen field of study and the degree you will receive. It is a requirement for graduation that can be completed once you have earned a minimum of 24 semester credit hours and met the program’s prerequisites (see the WSU Catalog).

Note: Students who are preparing to teach English in the public schools of Washington should examine the summary of requirements for majors and minors listed in the Department of Teaching and Learning catalog, and they should confer with the College of Education concerning the requirements for certification.

How do I certify?

The process is simple: contact the departmental office for your chosen program and request a Certification of Major form. You will need to provide your name, your WSU identification number, and your intended major and option, if applicable (e.g., English major with the creative writing option).

After appropriate approval by your department, program, or school, the form is submitted to the Center for Advising and Career Development for processing.

Why should I certify?

  • Certification is required in order to receive your degree.
  • In some high-demand programs, upper-division courses are only open to certified majors.
  • Departments may offer additional scholarship opportunities for certified students.
  • If you do not already have a faculty mentor in the discipline, you will be assigned to a corresponding adviser who can help you design a program of studies to match your interests.

What if I change my mind?

Most of the time, changing majors is also a relatively simple process. You can complete a Change of Major form and submit it for department, program, or school approval as appropriate, just like the certification form. Your current adviser and his or her counterpart can help you make the transition.

What if I just want to change my area of interest?

If you are not ready to certify but would like to change your primary area of interest, you may request an adviser change at the Academic Success and Career Center.