

LandEscapes provides a unique opportunity for students to work at a professional publication on both sides of the industry—the business side and the artistic side–and strives to uphold and spotlight the creative excellence that Washington State University has to offer by showcasing the full spectrum of student work in the arts—literature, the fine arts, and music.

In the words of one of our former editors, Ana Schmidt:

“Working on LandEscapes is a whirlwind of deadlines, interviews, making mistakes and learning from them, meeting with writers and fundraisers. LandEscapes is the product of 15-18 people, including editors, marketing people, production designers, not to mention the many artists and creators we work with. We put out two issues a year, a digital version in the fall (starting Fall 2015) and a full print and digital edition in the spring, showcasing the full spectrum of student work in the arts–literature, the fine arts, and music. LandEscapes provides a unique opportunity for students to work at a professional publication on both sides of the industry–the business side and the artistic side–and strives to uphold and spotlight the creative excellence that Washington State University has to offer.”

Peace Out,
For more information please visit LandEscapes official website .


Faculty Advisor:

Grant Maierhofer

Phone: 509-335-2117
Office: Avery 347