Michael Delahoyde

Michael Delahoyde

Micheal Delahoyde


Dr. Delahoyde has been a temporary employee of WSU since 1992. Earlier details are sketchy. He locates his birth in Poughkeepsie, NY on a cold July day after the war. He won a John Philip Sousa award for his fine bassoonism and did not attend the prom. Disturbingly unable to focus, he earned degrees in English, Music, and Education at the Vassar College for Wayward Women. Delahoyde hid out at the University of Michigan through the Reagan years, emerging with a license to practice English, a bucket of dreams, and a Depression-era song in his heart.


Dr. D. has published articles on Shakespeare, Chaucer, dinosaur films, children’s toys, and meat ads. This century, Delahoyde’s work is on the Shakespeare authorship issue: he is interviewed in the documentary film about Shake-speare, Last Will & Testament, and has published Oxfordian editions of Anthony and Cleopatra and Twelfth Night.

Research Interests:

Delahoyde is currently obsessed with his heretical work in the Shakespeare Authorship Controversy. On back burners are popular culture topics and interdisciplinary Humanities projects.

Teaching Interests:

Dr. Delahoyde can tolerate reading about Classical Mythology, Chaucer, Shake-speare, and Popular Culture, but a very few other subjects due to the sequence of bludgeonings.

